Willits, CA - 0 miles
We're still in Willits, CA enjoying food cooked in a real kitchen, listening to conference and playing Foosball. I can't believe that Bins and Tan aren't sick of Foosball yet. They've started talking about getting a table of our own when we get back to Houston.
We all cuddled up with blankets on the couch to listen to conference this morning and again this afternoon. After conference the boys had their first fishing lesson. We went fishing in the Warner's pond and ate apples fresh off their trees.
Some of my favorite quotes from conference:
"Courage is the form of every virtue at the testing point." - Lynn G. Robbins
"Truth is the truth regardless of what we think of it." - D. Todd Christofferson
"God has given us the promise that we can each know truth for ourselves...It may not come as quickly as you desire, but if you do your part it will come and it will be glorious." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"I may not be my brother's keeper, but I am my brother's brother and 'because I have ben given much I too must give.'" - Jeffrey R. Holland
"Personal revelation lifts us above our own capacity." - Henry B. Eyring
"Bring all that you know is true and test our message." - David A. Bednar
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