Bandon, OR to Langlois, OR - 24 miles
We had planned a 38 miles day, but it didn't happen. I thought rain would be this journey's nemesis, but I was wrong. I would take the rain any day of the week over a south wind. The reason that most cyclists bike north to south, rather than south to north, is the wind. It typically blows from the north along the coast, so it makes riding more pleasant. Today was an exception. The only benefit of the wind was that it blew the remains of the storm past us, so we are now out of the rain.
One thing Stephen has noticed when searching for campgrounds along our route is that Google is not always complete. State campgrounds typically show up on the map, but county and privately owned campgrounds are well-hidden gems.
When we were about 20 miles into our ride for the day (it was already 3pm), Tan took a little spill. He went off the shoulder into some gravel and toppled over. He was fine except for having straddled his frame. Ouch! While we were parked, a gal drove by and stopped to chat with us. She told us about a county campground not for from where we were and gave us directions. We were grateful for her suggestion, but didn't think we would need the information because we already planned to stay further down the road. About a mile past the turnoff for the county park, we decided to turn around. Being blown back the other direction towards the county park was a welcome change. Apparently we aren't the only ones who have a hard time finding these camps. Besides the hosts, there are 6 occupants tonight, and we are 4 of them.