
Sunday, September 28

Day 25 - California!

Brookings, OR to Crescent City, CA - 30 miles

On Sunday morning, if the chapel is within a few miles of camp, we don't bother changing into riding clothes just to change into church clothes when we arrive at the chapel.  Today we rode to church in our pajamas.  Pajamas consist of comfortable street clothes on this trip, but it still feels funny walking into the church building like that.  We get some quizzical looks, but thankfully everyone is happy to have us there as guests.
We had our second flat tire today at 760 miles.  This time it was my turn.  What is the purpose of slime?  The bike shop where we bought my bike put it in my tubes, but I'm beginning to doubt the logic.  It couldn't patch 2 tiny holes left by a staple.  Besides that, I couldn't deflate the tire all the way to store it rolled-up in the trailer until we could patch it with a kit.  Storage effeciency may seem like an unimportant ding against it's logic, but it's a major concern on this trip.  Maybe we did it wrong and maybe we weren't patient enough, so I guess I'm open to having my mind changed about that.

The big news for today is...WE MADE IT TO CALIFORNIA!!!  We have now biked the length of 2 states and are  starting on the third (and final).