
Thursday, September 4

Day 1 - "O Canada"

White Rock, British Columbia Canada to Birch Bay, WA - 18 miles

If you look on a map, it may not be 18 miles from White Rock to Birch Bay.  Considering the route we took plus a visit to the grocery store and biking around the camp ground, that's how many miles Stephen and I logged on our bike computers.  Our boys, on the other hand, logged 22.  While we were packing the trailers, they just couldn't sit still and wait.  They biked circles around the storage facility where we are leaving our car for the next... who knows how long.
We started our ride in Blaine, WA, but to make it officially border-to-border, we first rode north into Canada.  We even got stamps in our passports to prove it.  After a short ride to Peace Arch for a family photo, we proceeded south across the border again.

We anticipate this trip will take 2-3 months, but in order to get a taste of accomplishment on day one, we stopped at a Mexican Restaurant for lunch.  Canada to Mexico only took us about 30 minutes.

I have the camera, but I realized soon into the trip that I had to reign in my desire to photograph every point of interest.  If I pulled out the camera every time I wanted to, this trip would easily take 6-12 months.  With fall on its way, we don't have that kind of time.  We saw murals, rusted iron sculptures and some of the biggest sheep in the world!

We got to our camp site in Birch Bay State Park at 3pm.  Bins was willing to go 20 more miles to the next camp site, but Tan wanted to be done.  We've said all along, that we're not in a rush, so we set up camp and spent a leisurely afternoon.

After dark, I stepped out of the tent to retreive our bike computers and noticed something rustling in the bushes.  I called Stephen out to investigate with me and we found racoons trying to get at our breakfast.  We were able to scare them away and luckily learned early in our trip that a clothes line doubles as an effective food suspension mechanism.


  1. Congratulations on the start of your voyage! Go team Go!

  2. This is the coolest thing anyone I know personally has ever done. I'll be with you (in spirit) with every revolution of your bicycle tires. I look forward to following your journey. Go, go, go!

  3. Way to go!! What a cool adventure!!

  4. I love you guys and am so happy for you to have this adventure and follow along with you!! Be safe! Love, Auntie Kim
